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Industry News
Industry News

Two more North-South expressway sections to be publicly funded
Lawmakers have approved the use of public funds to build two more sections of the North-South Expressway that have failed to interest bidders.
RCEP: 15 Asia Pacific countries sign the largest trade agreement in the world Tuesday, 09:17 Date 05/01/2021
Foreign exchange rate on November 26: US election comes to an end, USD falls Thursday, 09:20 Date 26/11/2020
Chairman of Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association: Regulations and procedures put businesses in a difficult position Saturday, 17:25 Date 30/04/2016

Two more North-South expressway sections to be publicly funded
Wednesday, 09:16 Date 13/01/2021
Lawmakers have approved the use of public funds to build two more sections of the North-South Expressway that have failed to interest bidders.

RCEP: 15 Asia Pacific countries sign the largest trade agreement in the world
Tuesday, 09:17 Date 05/01/2021
Ten ASEAN members and 5 countries signed a large-scale free trade agreement promising to accelerate the economy after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Foreign exchange rate on November 26: US election comes to an end, USD falls
Thursday, 09:20 Date 26/11/2020
The foreign exchange rate on November 26, moving in the direction of the dollar on international markets, returned to the familiar decline when the results of the US election became clearer.

Chairman of Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association: Regulations and procedures put businesses in a difficult position
Saturday, 17:25 Date 30/04/2016

Coastal erosion prevention in the Central region: Prioritizing breakwater method
Wednesday, 17:20 Date 16/12/2015
Hội thảo “Giải pháp phòng chống sạt lở bờ biển khu vực miền Trung” do Bộ NN&PTNT tổ chức vừa qua một lần nữa khẳng định phương pháp phá sóng nuôi bãi, hạn chế các hoạt động can thiệp thô bạo phía thượng nguồn được xem như phương án hữu hiệu trong bối cảnh thiên tai diễn biến phức tạp.

Vietnam Textile and Garment: The inevitable path for development
Monday, 17:20 Date 20/10/2014
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